Jan 16, 2007

Things vs. Stuff

Gas is $1.81 in Toledo!

They changed the sign into Ohio. What a waste of money.

I've watched 5 out of 11 episodes of "Heroes". Why didn't anyone tell me this was such a good show?

I watched like 8 billion episodes of "The Office" this weekend. I really like it. I like Angela a lot for some reason. Actually, I like all of the women. I think it's weird how a lot of the characters have the same names as the actors in real life. And I think it's weird how the Temp is the writer and producer for the show. I kind of want to watch the British version again. I realized the reason I hated the British version though was Ricky Gervais. Finish your sentences!!! ARGH! Anyway, the American version is very good and very funny.

My parents have no idea who David Beckham. I asked them if they heard of "Bend It Like Beckham" and they said yes, but they thought the little Indian girl's name was Beckham. You know, because it's a traditional Hindi name.... And they have NO idea who Posh Spice is.

A much needed Creationism museum is being built near Cincinnati. Jesus Horses, anyone? http://www.answersingenesis.org


Jessica B. said...

We talked about what a great show "Heroes" is at Family Dinner once. Yet another reason for you to join us sometime.

Unknown said...

The names were the same on Magnum PI. It's weird.